Ulrich Retreats On Dietl Endorsement

Council Member Eric Ulrich, the sole Republican elected official to have endorsed Bo Dietl for mayor, last night made clear that his endorsement does not extend to an independent run by Dietl.  Instead, Ulrich will support the Republican nominee in the general election whoever that nominee is.  Ulrich did express hope that Dietl could still become that nominee, urging Dietl to again approach the Republican county leaders for a Wilson-Pakula which would allow Dietl to run in the Republican primary.

Ulrich endorsed Dietl in April, giving Dietl a boost early in his campaign.  Last week Dietl lost his appeal in his lawsuit seeking reinstatement to the Republican Party and the associated right to run in the Republican primary.  As a person who is not registered in any party, and who has not received any of the “minor” party nominations, Dietl’s only prospect for running is on a self-created independent ballot line.  Ulrich made clear that he will not support Dietl in such a run.  I spoke with Ulrich following a meeting in Belle Harbor of the Rockaway Republican Club.