Category Archives: FITN Summit

Trump On Trump (Updated)

“I’m gonna make the country rich again, and then I’m gonna make the country great again, if I run.”

Donald Trump’s closing line at a post-speech press Q&A summed up his appearance at the New Hampshire Republican Party’s Leadership Summit yesterday.  One of 19 putative candidates appearing at the conference, Trump’s pitch was based on pledging to replicate his “phenomenal” personal financial success for the country as a whole and visceral anger at a diminished United States.  He mostly avoided policy discussions, but did say that he would not cut social security, medicaid or medicare as he “would bring so much money into this country” that such cuts would be unnecessary.  Similarly, Trump said that he was open to considering an increase in the federal minimum wage but that such an increase would be “unimportant” as a Trump presidency would produce dramatic financial improvements for all.

Most of the 19 “candidates” appearing at the conference are not legally declared as candidates, but are in various stages of “considering” and “contemplating” running.  “I’d say June, July” replied Trump, who’s flirted with running for office numerous times and is not legally declared as a candidate, when I asked for his timeframe on a decision of whether to run.

Update – Timing:

Here’s the clip of Trump discussing the timing of his decision.

Update #2 – Full Speech:

Here is Trump’s full speech.

Ted Cruz Q&A

Senator Ted Cruz wrapped up his appearance at the New Hampshire Republican “Leadership Summit” by discussing his opposition to Loretta Lynch’s nomination as U.S. Attorney General and to holding a vote on her nomination, his views on federal marijuana policy and whether he thinks “it’s time for a woman president.”

Cruz opposes Lynch’s nomination and also opposes holding a vote on her nomination.  It’s been an effective strategy, leaving a lame-duck Eric Holder in place as AG and markedly shortening the time Lynch will have in office if and when she’s confirmed.  With five months having passed since President Obama announced her selection, her possible time in office has shrunk significantly as the January 2017 end of the Obama administration looms ever larger.  Refusing to hold a Senate vote on presidential nominees is a strategy that Cruz may come to hold a different view of, however, should he become president.

Cruz also discussed why he opposes a Justice Department policy of not prosecuting low level marijuana offenses but accepts individual states legalizing the use of marijuana.  Finally, he responded to a question of whether “it’s time for a woman president.”  Echoing arguments made by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, he attacked Obama and Hillary Clinton over rising income inequality.

Cruz, a declared candidate for president, spoke with the press following his speech Saturday at a New Hampshire Republican party presidential candidate conference in Nashua.