Category Archives: Bill Thompson

Democrats React to Bloomberg Comments (Updated)

We spoke with Democratic candidates concerning Mayor Bloomberg’s comments on Bill de Blasio published in New York Magazine on September 7, 2013.

Bill Thompson:

John Liu:

Update – Anthony Weiner:

(We spoke with Anthony Weiner as he campaigned with his 20 month old son.  That accounts for a bit of distraction for Weiner as we spoke, including a goofy facial expression toward the end.)

Democrats Debate (Updated)

Five Democratic mayoral candidates met for their final televised debate Tuesday evening.  The candidates grappled with each other in a verbal free for all, pushing toward a primary now only six days away.  (The full debate is available here.)

Anthony Weiner’s post-debate comments to the press were a masterpiece, highlighting what made him a viable and, briefly, frontrunning candidate.  He was funny and engaging, humorously eviscerating his opponents while remaining on message that he is a “candidate of ideas.”  His full comments, which run just under 3 minutes, are worth a watch.

Video of all other candidates follows, in order of appearance: Continue reading Democrats Debate (Updated)

Thompson Endorsement in Williamsburg (Updated x 2)

Bill Thompson received the endorsement of Satmar, and other orthodox, leaders in Williamsburg on Tuesday.

In this report, we look at a protest which occurred during the endorsement press conference.

Update – Extended Video:

This video has extended excerpts from the endorsement press conference.

Update #2 – Thompson re: Metzitzah b’peh:

In this excerpt, Thompson discusses metzitzah b’peh, the circumcision ritual practice that the Bloomberg administration sought to restrict and ultimately imposed parental notification requirements on.  It’s an emotional issue in parts of the orthodox community and candidates are regularly asked about when seeking votes in that community.

Thompson addressed metzitzah b’peh but, while speaking sympathetically, did not say whether he supported continuing, expanding or removing the city’s rules around it.  He only said that he “would be happy to sit down and revisit this issue again.”

Comptroller v. Comptroller

Current New York City Comptroller John Liu has recently stepped up his attacks on his immediate predecessor, two term Comptroller Bill Thompson.  Until recently, the two had largely avoided discussing the other’s performance in the office.  As Liu’s already low poll numbers have weakened, however, he has been attacking Thompson over Thompson’s failure to uncover the CityTime scandal.  (CityTime is a payroll software project that grew in cost by hundreds of millions of dollars due to combination of mismanagement and fraud, and which Liu has actively pursued.)

TWU Local 100 Endorses

This afternoon, at a press conference on the steps of City Hall, Transport Workers Union Local 100 endorsed Bill Thompson for mayor.

We spoke with TWU Local 100 president John Samuelsen about a topic which many mayoral candidates have advocated, and which would directly impact TWU Local 100 members; mayoral or city control of the MTA.  Samuelsen also discussed the mayor’s role under the current MTA structure.  Watch.

Mayoral Forum: El Diario, Hispanic Federation & Hostos (Updated x 3)

Last night, El Diario, the Hispanic Federation and Hostos Community College hosted a mayoral forum with seven Democrats, two Republicans and one Independence Party candidate.  It was quite an evening.

Update #3:  Quinn v. de Blasio

In this excerpt, Christine Quinn and Bill de Blasio engage in a pointed discussion of their respective views of their accomplishments.

Update #2:  Weiner on his House Immigration Subcommittee Work

In this excerpt, Anthony Weiner is asked what he accomplished as a member of the House Subcommittee on Immigration.  He demonstrates his substantial speaking skills, giving a lengthy description of acting as “an advocate” and pledging to be “an advocate on immigration” just “as Mayor Bloomberg does on guns.” When pressed by the moderator on what he has to show from his time on that subcommittee, Weiner says that “every member of the Democratic caucus … didn’t get much done” during that time.  He does, however, assert that he “tilled the fields” and “fought really hard.”

Update:  O, Alma Mater, glorious …

In this brief excerpt, the candidates focus on their love for a particular high school.  Really.  Well worth watching.

In our initial report the candidates discuss the city’s solid waste disposal plan.  It’s a unique exchange in several ways.  First, more than any other forum or debate segment that I can recall, the candidates engage in a long and unusually involved discussion with each other.  Second, there are some clear personal frictions that emerge.  Finally, there are a few loopy moments.  All in all, this segment displays more candidate personalities more effectively than any other moment that I’ve seen so far in the campaign.

New York City Bar Association Candidate Forum (Updated)

Tonight the New York City Bar Association hosted a mayoral candidate forum.  The forum, moderated by NY1’s Errol Louis*, featured separate panels of four Republican and Independence Party candidates and four Democratic Party candidates.

This excerpt has the “Lightning Rounds” in which Errol Louis posed a series of yes/no questions to each panel.  He asked four questions of the Republican/Independence candidates and the same four, plus one additional question, to the Democratic candidates.  (It’s possible that I’ve missed a fifth question due to a recording or editing glitch, but that doesn’t appear to be the case.)  Among the notable answers, all eight candidates indicated that they are in favor of settling the Central Park Five case.

Update:  In this excerpt George McDonald criticizes Anthony Weiner and Vito Lopez, and laments the lack of voter participation as enabling improper conduct by elected officials.

*  This was the ninth mayoral forum of 2013 hosted by Errol Louis.  Be sure to watch our interview with Errol Louis discussing the enormous number of candidate forums and whether they are a productive exercise.

At the conclusion of the forum, we spoke with Bill de Blasio about civil liberties and the NYPD.  Watch it here.