Thompson Endorsement in Williamsburg (Updated x 2)

Bill Thompson received the endorsement of Satmar, and other orthodox, leaders in Williamsburg on Tuesday.

In this report, we look at a protest which occurred during the endorsement press conference.

Update – Extended Video:

This video has extended excerpts from the endorsement press conference.

Update #2 – Thompson re: Metzitzah b’peh:

In this excerpt, Thompson discusses metzitzah b’peh, the circumcision ritual practice that the Bloomberg administration sought to restrict and ultimately imposed parental notification requirements on.  It’s an emotional issue in parts of the orthodox community and candidates are regularly asked about when seeking votes in that community.

Thompson addressed metzitzah b’peh but, while speaking sympathetically, did not say whether he supported continuing, expanding or removing the city’s rules around it.  He only said that he “would be happy to sit down and revisit this issue again.”