The Sergeants Benevolent Association (SBA) endorsed Republican/Conservative mayoral candidate Nicole Malliotakis today, giving Malliotakis her first union endorsement. It was a welcome boost for Malliotakis as election day looms exactly three weeks away. The SBA has supported Malliotakis with campaign contributions throughout her Assembly career and made an early contribution of $4,900 to her mayoral campaign, just shy of the legal maximum of $4,950.
SBA President Ed Mullins characterized Malliotakis as a “passionate supporter of law enforcement,” lauding what he described as her desire to build bridges between the police and communities that don’t trust the police. He also spoke of Malliotakis’ “passion for the homeless” and interest in better assisting mentally ill persons, noting that the police regularly interact with both.
Malliotakis spoke of increasing efforts to help the homeless, including building more permanent housing, expanding the use of Kendra’s law and increasing youth programs. She also touched on the little-discussed topic of the ever-expanding responsibilities given to the police, saying that it is unfair of society to “put on the backs of police” so many duties more akin to social work such as dealing with the severely mentally ill. Without naming him, Malliotakis criticized Mayor de Blasio for marching in the Puerto Rican Day Parade as it honored Oscar Lopez Rivera and for traveling to Germany shortly after the murder of Police Officer Miosotis Familia. She closed her remarks by promising to “support you … never vilify you … never leave you in your time of need.”
Here are the full remarks of Malliotakis and Mullins:
Here is the full press Q&A. An “on topic” portion was conducted as Malliotakis and Mullins concluded their remarks and an “off topic” portion was separately conducted shortly afterwards by Malliotakis.
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