The Nemesis of My Nemesis …

In an unusual joint news conference today, Republican gubernatorial candidate Rob Astorino and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Zephyr Teachout denounced Governor Andrew Cuomo’s “corruption”.  Emphasizing their many political and policy differences, the two aspiring political opponents of Governor Cuomo attacked a variety of Cuomo’s actions and his opaque political methods.

The news conference also featured a group, presumably pro-Cuomo, holding signs and heckling both candidates.  As you’ll see, during the Q&A the group moved from behind the press, and facing the candidates, to just off to the side of the candidates.  They refused to answer when asked who they were and where they’re from.

Press Q&A:

Among the question topics were what more Governor Cuomo should have done before disbanding the Moreland Commission on public corruption, how Astorino feels about NJ Governor, and chair of the Republican Governors Association, Chris Christie “writing you off”, whether they believe Christie and Cuomo have an “arrangement” concerning Christie’s lack of support for Astorino, what “assurances” of support Christie gave to Astorino when they met, how this joint press conference came to be, how many debates they hope to have and Astorino’s take on Christie campaigning in New Hampshire but not New York.  Here is their joint press Q&A: