Republican Public Advocate Candidates?

I asked Manhattan Republican Chairman Dan Isaacs whether there are any Republican candidates for Public Advocate.  Here’s what he had to say.

Even without the party’s recent legal problems, Public Advocate is a tough office for Republicans.  Created in 1994, the office has been held only by Democrats.  In the last general election, the Republican candidate for Public Advocate received about 14% of the vote, and in the two prior elections Republicans did not even have a candidate on the ballot.

That challenge is exponentially tougher with the recent disarray following the Smith/Savino/Halloran/Tabone troubles.  The Bronx County chairman was arrested and resigned.  The Queens Vice Chairman was arrested and resigned, reigniting a long-running factional battle which threatens the Queens Chairman’s hold on his seat.  The Brooklyn Chairman is in a battle with one of the few elected Brooklyn Republicans (with Dan Isaacs engaged on behalf of the Brooklyn chairman).  Staten Island also recently replaced it’s County Chairman.  With those troubles, the county organizations face a challenge in any effort at working together and, whether fair or not, can expect heightened scrutiny and skepticism if they do.

Will there be any Republican candidates?  Will they have any realistic chance of winning or of at least helping the Republican mayoral nominee?  Be sure to check back with us for updates.