Malliotakis On Election Night

The election is over but the campaign rolls on.

Nicole Malliotakis acknowledged defeat Tuesday night as vote totals rolled in confirming the expected, that Mayor Bill de Blasio had soundly defeated her, but her speech could not fairly be called a concession speech.  Taking the stage with a smile to Tom Petty’s I Won’t Back Down Malliotakis repeated many of her campaign themes while never mentioning Mayor de Blasio.

Trash, transit and traffic and what she characterizes as a deteriorating quality of life were a focus in her brief remarks, much like her campaign speeches.  Closing with a pledge to “continue to fight for the taxpayers of this City … to make New York City a beacon of opportunity and hope for all” Malliotakis appeared to be in good spirits.  After several rounds of press interviews she worked her way around the room, smiling as she hugged and thanked supporters.

Malliotakis was joined onstage by her parents, some of her campaign staff, New York State Republican Chairman Ed Cox, New York State Conservative Party Chairman Mike Long and representatives  of the Sergeants Benevolent Association, Malliotakis’ first and most significant union endorsement.  No other elected Republicans or Republican county chairs joined her.


Here is Malliotakis’ election night speech:

Photo Gallery:

Our photo gallery from Malliotakis’s election night party is available here.