de Blasio & Post-Garner NYPD Training

Mayor Bill de Blasio unveiled an NYPD training program designed to avoid police/civilian confrontations like the arrest in which Eric Garner died.  Speaking Thursday at the new police academy in College Point, de Blasio and Police Commissioner Bill Bratton outlined a three-day training course intended to enhance officers’ ability to diffuse and de-escalate confrontations.  The mayor and police also extensively discussed the Garner case and grand jury decision, as well as the continuing street protests.

de Blasio Statement:

In a lengthy opening statement Mayor de Blasio discussed the new training program, the Garner case and it’s aftermath and broad issues around the NYPD.  He characterized his administration’s efforts as a “series of reforms that all work together that synergize to change the dynamic between police and community.”

(Continue to full post for the Q&A and Bratton’s statement)
Bratton Statement:

Q&A – On Topic:

Q&A – Off Topic: