Queens County Republican Chairman Bob Turner supports mayoral candidate Paul Massey, although he’s not ready to describe it as “a formal endorsement.” Turner joined Massey at a press conference today in Flushing, dubbed by the Massey campaign as “formally launching” his campaign. “I am supporting Mr. Massey, but this is short of a formal endorsement” said Turner when I asked Massey whether he has Turner’s support or endorsement. Turner had stood off to the side watching as Massey held his press conference, not joining him at the lectern. (When I spoke with Turner on March 2nd, he seemed supportive of Massey, but was not nearly as direct.)
In a conversation with Turner afterwards he emphasized that the Queens Republican organization has not yet endorsed or supported Massey, although he expects a decision on whether to do so in “less than a month.” Turner appeared quite optimistic on the effort by the five New York York City Republican county chairs at uniting behind a single candidate. Doing so, presuming Massey is their choice, may discourage Eric Ulrich (the only New York City or New York State Republican elected official representing Queens) or John Catsimatidis from entering the race or encourage Michel Faulkner to end his campaign.
Here’s our post-presser conversation: