Malliotakis on ConCon

“I’m actually very torn on it.”  That’s Republican mayoral candidate Nicole Malliotakis on whether she supports holding a New York State constitutional convention.

The 2017 general election will present voters with a ballot question of whether to hold such a constitutional convention, often referred to as a “ConCon.” The state constitution requires that voters be presented with such a ballot question every 20 years; it was voted down in 1997 and 1977. Should voters approve a ConCon, convention delegates would be elected in the 2018 general election and the convention would convene in the spring of 2019.

Malliotakis, who is her fourth term in the state Assembly, described potential positives from a convention as including reducing the power of the Assembly speaker, legislative term limits and more equitable treatment of legislators.  She expressed concerns about stripping or reductions of public employee pensions.  Malliotakis is, for a Republican elected official, unusually supportive of public employees and public sector unions.

Here’s what Malliotakis had to say:

Update – September Statement:

Malliotakis’ statement taking a position is available here.