Dietl On Low Poll #s

Recent public polls have put Bo Dietl a distant fourth behind mayor and Democratic candidate Bill de Blasio, Republican/Conservative candidate Nicole Malliotakis and Reform Party candidate Sal Albanese, with Dietl drawing just 6% in a recent Quinnipiac University poll and tied with Albanese at 5% in a recent Marist poll.

I asked Dietl about those low poll numbers and what he thinks he can do to improve his standing in the 19 days remaining.  His primary response was that the polls were conducted before last week’s mayoral debate (true) and that his debate appearance and upcoming TV ads have and will greatly increase awareness of his campaign, with that awareness expected to translate into support.

Here’s our exchange:

Note:  In my question I referred to polls released “last week.”  Both the Quinnipiac and Marist polls were released the week before last,  on October 5th.