Visit us at for insight, analysis and reporting on major political and government issues. Our goal is to help you understand today what the rest of New York will be discussing tomorrow.
My professional background touches politics, government and the commercial world.* I hope that our product reflects insight and perspective from each.
Remember this – for insight into New York’s biggest issues what counts is not just being true, but being New York True.
~ John Kenny, publisher of
* My professional background includes New York statewide political campaigns in two election cycles, Spitzer Paterson in 2006 and Dinallo for Attorney General in 2010, working in New York state government during the Spitzer and Paterson administrations as Special Counsel to the Superintendent of Insurance (during the 2008-2009 financial crisis) and practicing law in a leading commercial finance firm.
My video work has also appeared in many online publications and my photographs have appeared in the New York Post, the New York Daily News, the New York Observer, the Commercial Observer, DNAinfo, The Wave, Rockaway Times and Bluebird News.