Governor Andrew Cuomo visited a Thanksgiving food distribution operation Monday, lauding the businesses that contributed substantial amounts of food for distribution and the people working to pack and ship it. Held in a cavernous exhibition space at the Javits Center, the operation included volunteers (many of whom appeared to be New York State government workers), a National Guard unit and the New York Guard. (The New York Guard is a state militia operated by New York State separately from New York units of the National Guard.)
Cuomo took press questions following his remarks. It was a somewhat out-of-character Cuomo press interaction, however, with a limited number of reporters present. His preferred method is a post-presentation gaggle with reporters off to the side or in a separate room, with Cuomo and the reporters gathered around him standing in a tight semi-circle. At the Javits Center Cuomo spoke at a lectern with a few reporters mixed in among the seated audience. Cuomo also invited “on topic” questions first. Receiving none, he quickly moved to “off topic” questions. Cuomo does not typically separate the questions.
Questions for Cuomo included the “see something send something” app, the simultaneous criminal trials of former Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and former State Senate Temporary President Dean Skelos, whether Cuomo will continue to accept contributions from Glenwood Management, ensnared in the Skelos charges, and a limitation by New York State on tax credits available for affordable housing in New York City.
(Video and photos after the page break.) Continue reading Cuomo Press Q&A: The Turkey Edition